About Advocacy
The advocacy department works to raise awareness on campus, online, and in the broader community for issues of inequality and injustice. Our goal is to ensure that Georgetown students, as well as anyone we can reach, understand these issues and how they can be part of the solution. We amplify voices and educate people on how to best use their voice through attending rallies and marches, organizing teach-ins, and helping students to interact with and lobby Congressmembers with trips to the Hill, along with many other events throughout the year.
Global Policy
This initiative team deals with the impact of American policies on the wider global community. In taking a particular interest in environmental protection and foreign policy, this team addresses some of the broadest issues facing the world.
Domestic Policy
The Domestic Policy Initiative Team advocates for progressive policies that benefit the American public. Specifically, this team focuses on Healthcare & Welfare and Economy & Inequality. In the past, the Domestic Policy team has conducted phonebanks on the impeachment of President Donald Trump.
Social Policy
The Social Policy team focuses primarily on Gender & Sexual Orientation Equity and Immigration, Criminal Justice, & Ethnic Equality, but frequently branches out beyond that, as well.